From Childhood to Christhood

A Journey into Universal Divine Consciousness by Jocelyne Ranucci

Jocelyne Ranucci saved her own life. Through a spiritual journey begun following painful life lessons and abusive relationships, she discovers her true power: to transform, transcend, and create a perfect life—a power she believes is innate in us all.

After careful self-reflection, soul-searching, and personal growth, Ranucci realized that we are all the creators of our own destiny, and that we can learn to love and accept ourselves deeply and leave the destructive patterns of the past behind. She shares her self-discovery and gives us the tools, knowledge, and inspiration—gathering wisdom from such teachers of the law of attraction, theosophy, and mysticism, as H. P. Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Saint Germain, and other ascended masters such as Buddha, Atman, Abraham, and Christ—to change ourselves and our lives.

Her story is touching, her transformation profound. With great candor, warmth, and wit she reveals the most intimate details of her soul-searching and spiritual journey. She teaches us how to unleash the great healing power that lies buried deep within us so that we, too, can alter our path, conquer our fears, and free our spirit, allowing us to embrace the joys and serenity ahead.

To travel From Childhood to Christhood is a journey of self-reflection and personal growth. It is the path that takes us into Christ consciousness, which is not about Christianity, but rather a natural spiritual evolvement of human consciousness, the awakening of a sense of unity with life, in its many forms, and the divine. (You may choose to call it Buddha consciousness, Atman, or The Great I Am.) It is the acknowledgement that life is love—not the egocentric love born of our human nature, but the all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful love of our divine nature. Once we understand and exemplify this, we live in Christ consciousness.

Spiritual growth books

About The Author

Jocelyne Ranucci

Born in Paris, Ranucci set out on her own while still in her teens. Her work and travels took her to New York City and Mexico, and finally, to Sag Harbor, New York, where she found her “home” and herself.

A successful business woman, she is presently at work on her second book, which will show her readers how she has put the lessons she has learned about personal growth, self-reflection, soul searching, self-discovery, and Christ consciousness, into practical use in everyday life, and how readers can do this, too.

She draws upon the teachings of H. P. Blavatsky, Saint Germain, and other ascended masters, including Buddha, Atman, Abraham, and Christ, and tools and exercises including those found in the law of attraction, theosophy, and mysticism, to help teach others to learn about themselves and strive toward Christ consciousness on an everyday basis.

Ranucci hopes to share her discoveries with others on their own spiritual journeys.

Contact Jocelyne
  • Jocelyne Ranucci - An Author of A Spiritual Growth Books

Inside the Book

Come along on the author’s journey of self-enlightenment
Note from An Author of a Spiritual Growth Book

Author's note

Preface of a Spiritual Growth Book


Spiritual Growth Book - Chapter 2 - Page 1
Chapter 2 - Page 1.


Spiritual Growth Book - Chapter 2 - Page 2
Chapter 2 - Page 2.


Spiritual Growth Book - Chapter 2 - Page 3
Chapter 2 - Page 3.




  • I have read several books on spiritual journey, self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. From Childhood to Christhood touched me particularly because of the simple and honest way the author writes about her personal experiences, soul searching, and Christ consciousness. I found the book believable and the journey achievable. Jocelyne Ranucci's book is remarkable for its fluidity, its structure and of course its subject. The author's style is pure and clear. I found her offering the lessons of her life a generous and enlightened gift to us all. The book is replete with spiritual and practical wisdom as well as clairvoyant vision. I have particularly appreciated the authenticity and candidness that emanate chapter after chapter. It is a beautiful book.

    - Quote From Reader
  • How our inner power of love can be applied to everyday decisions is interestingly explained in depth. The author helps us, through illuminated words, to come into harmony within the divine light of Christhood. A very intimate account, including vital lessons for us about how the author discovered her inner power and created a positive and rewarding life.

    - Lightword Publishing
  • How our inner power of love can be applied to everyday decisions is interestingly explained in depth. The author helps us, through illuminated words, to come into harmony within the divine light of Christhood. A very intimate account, including vital lessons for us about how the author discovered her inner power and created a positive and rewarding life.

    - Lightword Publishing
  • From Childhood to Christhood “is highly inspiring and I enjoyed reading it. It describes a spiritual journey that many readers will wish they could take for themselves. Much of the advice and information is clear, practical and often moving. Anyone on a path of self-reflection should read this book. After reading Jocelyne Ranucci’s book I found that I myself, just by taking the journey with her, had taken great steps towards my own personal growth. The book is a great read, easy to relate and understand.

    - Quote From Reader
  • I have read several books on spiritual journey, self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. From Childhood to Christhood touched me particularly because of the simple and honest way the author writes about her personal experiences, soul searching, and Christ consciousness. I found the book believable and the journey achievable. Jocelyne Ranucci's book is remarkable for its fluidity, its structure and of course its subject. The author's style is pure and clear. I found her offering the lessons of her life a generous and enlightened gift to us all. The book is replete with spiritual and practical wisdom as well as clairvoyant vision. I have particularly appreciated the authenticity and candidness that emanate chapter after chapter. It is a beautiful book.

    - Quote From Reader
  • From Childhood to Christhood “is highly inspiring and I enjoyed reading it. It describes a spiritual journey that many readers will wish they could take for themselves. Much of the advice and information is clear, practical and often moving. Anyone on a path of self-reflection should read this book. After reading Jocelyne Ranucci’s book I found that I myself, just by taking the journey with her, had taken great steps towards my own personal growth. The book is a great read, easy to relate and understand.

    - Quote From Reader
  • From Childhood to Christhood “is highly inspiring and I enjoyed reading it. It describes a spiritual journey that many readers will wish they could take for themselves. Much of the advice and information is clear, practical and often moving. Anyone on a path of self-reflection should read this book. After reading Jocelyne Ranucci’s book I found that I myself, just by taking the journey with her, had taken great steps towards my own personal growth. The book is a great read, easy to relate and understand.

    - Quote From Reader
  • How our inner power of love can be applied to everyday decisions is interestingly explained in depth. The author helps us, through illuminated words, to come into harmony within the divine light of Christhood. A very intimate account, including vital lessons for us about how the author discovered her inner power and created a positive and rewarding life.

    - Lightword Publishing
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the universal consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to do” book on spiritual growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the Christ consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to” book on personal growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • I have read several books on spiritual journey, self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. From Childhood to Christhood touched me particularly because of the simple and honest way the author writes about her personal experiences, soul searching, and Christ consciousness. I found the book believable and the journey achievable. Jocelyne Ranucci's book is remarkable for its fluidity, its structure and of course its subject. The author's style is pure and clear. I found her offering the lessons of her life a generous and enlightened gift to us all. The book is replete with spiritual and practical wisdom as well as clairvoyant vision. I have particularly appreciated the authenticity and candidness that emanate chapter after chapter. It is a beautiful book.

    - Quote From Reader
  • In her first book, From Childhood to Christhood, the author “shares her journey, the universal laws and divine resources she discovered and the ways in which she was able to reinvent her outlook on life. Ranucci describes how each human being is comprised of several higher and lower bodies that interact with each other and connect us to the divine consciousness...she describes how readers can call upon various colored rays that make up the divine white light to protect, to cleanse and to enlighten...the author's insights, based on her study of numerous spiritual traditions, are compelling because they demonstrate how she has concretely improved her daily life, and Ranucci offers enough guidance for readers to begin their own journeys.”

    - Kirkus Discoveries
  • From Childhood to Christhood “is highly inspiring and I enjoyed reading it. It describes a spiritual journey that many readers will wish they could take for themselves. Much of the advice and information is clear, practical and often moving. Anyone on a path of self-reflection should read this book. After reading Jocelyne Ranucci’s book I found that I myself, just by taking the journey with her, had taken great steps towards my own personal growth. The book is a great read, easy to relate and understand.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the universal consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to do” book on spiritual growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the Christ consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to” book on personal growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the universal consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to do” book on spiritual growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the Christ consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to” book on personal growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • I have read several books on spiritual journey, self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. From Childhood to Christhood touched me particularly because of the simple and honest way the author writes about her personal experiences, soul searching, and Christ consciousness. I found the book believable and the journey achievable. Jocelyne Ranucci's book is remarkable for its fluidity, its structure and of course its subject. The author's style is pure and clear. I found her offering the lessons of her life a generous and enlightened gift to us all. The book is replete with spiritual and practical wisdom as well as clairvoyant vision. I have particularly appreciated the authenticity and candidness that emanate chapter after chapter. It is a beautiful book.

    - Quote From Reader
  • How our inner power of love can be applied to everyday decisions is interestingly explained in depth. The author helps us, through illuminated words, to come into harmony within the divine light of Christhood. A very intimate account, including vital lessons for us about how the author discovered her inner power and created a positive and rewarding life.

    - Lightword Publishing
  • From Childhood to Christhood “is highly inspiring and I enjoyed reading it. It describes a spiritual journey that many readers will wish they could take for themselves. Much of the advice and information is clear, practical and often moving. Anyone on a path of self-reflection should read this book. After reading Jocelyne Ranucci’s book I found that I myself, just by taking the journey with her, had taken great steps towards my own personal growth. The book is a great read, easy to relate and understand.

    - Quote From Reader
  • I have read several books on spiritual journey, self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. From Childhood to Christhood touched me particularly because of the simple and honest way the author writes about her personal experiences, soul searching, and Christ consciousness. I found the book believable and the journey achievable. Jocelyne Ranucci's book is remarkable for its fluidity, its structure and of course its subject. The author's style is pure and clear. I found her offering the lessons of her life a generous and enlightened gift to us all. The book is replete with spiritual and practical wisdom as well as clairvoyant vision. I have particularly appreciated the authenticity and candidness that emanate chapter after chapter. It is a beautiful book.

    - Quote From Reader
  • From Childhood to Christhood “is highly inspiring and I enjoyed reading it. It describes a spiritual journey that many readers will wish they could take for themselves. Much of the advice and information is clear, practical and often moving. Anyone on a path of self-reflection should read this book. After reading Jocelyne Ranucci’s book I found that I myself, just by taking the journey with her, had taken great steps towards my own personal growth. The book is a great read, easy to relate and understand.

    - Quote From Reader
  • In her first book, From Childhood to Christhood, the author “shares her journey, the universal laws and divine resources she discovered and the ways in which she was able to reinvent her outlook on life. Ranucci describes how each human being is comprised of several higher and lower bodies that interact with each other and connect us to the divine consciousness...she describes how readers can call upon various colored rays that make up the divine white light to protect, to cleanse and to enlighten...the author's insights, based on her study of numerous spiritual traditions, are compelling because they demonstrate how she has concretely improved her daily life, and Ranucci offers enough guidance for readers to begin their own journeys.”

    - Kirkus Discoveries
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the universal consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to do” book on spiritual growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the universal consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to do” book on spiritual growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the Christ consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to” book on personal growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • In her first book, From Childhood to Christhood, the author “shares her journey, the universal laws and divine resources she discovered and the ways in which she was able to reinvent her outlook on life. Ranucci describes how each human being is comprised of several higher and lower bodies that interact with each other and connect us to the divine consciousness...she describes how readers can call upon various colored rays that make up the divine white light to protect, to cleanse and to enlighten...the author's insights, based on her study of numerous spiritual traditions, are compelling because they demonstrate how she has concretely improved her daily life, and Ranucci offers enough guidance for readers to begin their own journeys.”

    - Kirkus Discoveries
  • I have read several books on spiritual journey, self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. From Childhood to Christhood touched me particularly because of the simple and honest way the author writes about her personal experiences, soul searching, and Christ consciousness. I found the book believable and the journey achievable. Jocelyne Ranucci's book is remarkable for its fluidity, its structure and of course its subject. The author's style is pure and clear. I found her offering the lessons of her life a generous and enlightened gift to us all. The book is replete with spiritual and practical wisdom as well as clairvoyant vision. I have particularly appreciated the authenticity and candidness that emanate chapter after chapter. It is a beautiful book.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the universal consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to do” book on spiritual growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • I have read several books on spiritual journey, self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. From Childhood to Christhood touched me particularly because of the simple and honest way the author writes about her personal experiences, soul searching, and Christ consciousness. I found the book believable and the journey achievable. Jocelyne Ranucci's book is remarkable for its fluidity, its structure and of course its subject. The author's style is pure and clear. I found her offering the lessons of her life a generous and enlightened gift to us all. The book is replete with spiritual and practical wisdom as well as clairvoyant vision. I have particularly appreciated the authenticity and candidness that emanate chapter after chapter. It is a beautiful book.

    - Quote From Reader
  • From Childhood to Christhood “is highly inspiring and I enjoyed reading it. It describes a spiritual journey that many readers will wish they could take for themselves. Much of the advice and information is clear, practical and often moving. Anyone on a path of self-reflection should read this book. After reading Jocelyne Ranucci’s book I found that I myself, just by taking the journey with her, had taken great steps towards my own personal growth. The book is a great read, easy to relate and understand.

    - Quote From Reader
  • I have read several books on spiritual journey, self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. From Childhood to Christhood touched me particularly because of the simple and honest way the author writes about her personal experiences, soul searching, and Christ consciousness. I found the book believable and the journey achievable. Jocelyne Ranucci's book is remarkable for its fluidity, its structure and of course its subject. The author's style is pure and clear. I found her offering the lessons of her life a generous and enlightened gift to us all. The book is replete with spiritual and practical wisdom as well as clairvoyant vision. I have particularly appreciated the authenticity and candidness that emanate chapter after chapter. It is a beautiful book.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the Christ consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to” book on personal growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • I have read several books on spiritual journey, self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. From Childhood to Christhood touched me particularly because of the simple and honest way the author writes about her personal experiences, soul searching, and Christ consciousness. I found the book believable and the journey achievable. Jocelyne Ranucci's book is remarkable for its fluidity, its structure and of course its subject. The author's style is pure and clear. I found her offering the lessons of her life a generous and enlightened gift to us all. The book is replete with spiritual and practical wisdom as well as clairvoyant vision. I have particularly appreciated the authenticity and candidness that emanate chapter after chapter. It is a beautiful book.

    - Quote From Reader
  • I have read several books on spiritual journey, self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. From Childhood to Christhood touched me particularly because of the simple and honest way the author writes about her personal experiences, soul searching, and Christ consciousness. I found the book believable and the journey achievable. Jocelyne Ranucci's book is remarkable for its fluidity, its structure and of course its subject. The author's style is pure and clear. I found her offering the lessons of her life a generous and enlightened gift to us all. The book is replete with spiritual and practical wisdom as well as clairvoyant vision. I have particularly appreciated the authenticity and candidness that emanate chapter after chapter. It is a beautiful book.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the Christ consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to” book on personal growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the Christ consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to” book on personal growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • From Childhood to Christhood “is highly inspiring and I enjoyed reading it. It describes a spiritual journey that many readers will wish they could take for themselves. Much of the advice and information is clear, practical and often moving. Anyone on a path of self-reflection should read this book. After reading Jocelyne Ranucci’s book I found that I myself, just by taking the journey with her, had taken great steps towards my own personal growth. The book is a great read, easy to relate and understand.

    - Quote From Reader
  • Jocelyne Ranucci brings a spiritual journey that is available and easily accessible through the telling of her life and experiences. By opening up to the energies already existing, we can all benefit, not only as better human beings, but as better living beings on a planet that is crying desperately to be saved. Considering the world situation, the author sends out an optimistic message that starts with each one of us tapping into the Christ consciousness on so many levels. From Childhood to Christhood is one of the best “how to” book on personal growth that I have read.

    - Quote From Reader
  • How our inner power of love can be applied to everyday decisions is interestingly explained in depth. The author helps us, through illuminated words, to come into harmony within the divine light of Christhood. A very intimate account, including vital lessons for us about how the author discovered her inner power and created a positive and rewarding life.

    - Lightword Publishing
Self-enlightenment books

Order Book

A Journey into Universal Divine Consciousness by Jocelyne Ranucci

  • NameFrom Childhood To Christhood
  • AuthorJocelyne Ranucci
  • Text LanguageEnglish
  • Publisher NameiUniverse
  • Binding TypePaperback / softback
  • ISBN 100595418678
  • ISBN 13978-0-595-41867-1
  • You can order “From Childhood to Christhood” online from any of the following sites:
  • barnes&noble
  • iUniverse
  • amazon

This spiritual journey about the personal growth found in self-reflection, soul-searching, self-discovery, and ultimately, Christ consciousness, will provide readers tools, drawing upon the works of the ascended masters including Saint German and H. P. Blavatsky, and others including, and the teachings of the law of affinity, mysticism, and theosophy, to guide the reader on their own personal journey. If you seek the personal growth of self-reflection, soul-searching, and self-discovery, and to strive to the peace of Christ consciousness through your own spiritual journey, this book is your guide.

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    From Childhood to Christhood - Spiritual Growth Book

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